Can You Grind Tea Leaves In A Coffee Grinder?

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Since the accidental discovery of tea by a Chinese emperor, Shen Nong, there have been lots of modifications to how it can be made and taken. Tea now comes in different flavours and types depending on your choice or mood, and it can also be taken by anyone who has no allergic reaction to the leave ingredients.

So when it comes to making home-made, tasty tea, can you grind tea leaves in a coffee grinder? The answer is a resounding YES! Although coffee grinders have their primary purpose, which is to grind coffee – you can also use a coffee grinder (Such as KRUPS GX4100 Electric Spice Herbs and Coffee Grinder) if you don’t have any of the kitchen equipment required for the process such as a kitchen blender, mortar, and pestle, or a leaf mill.

Coffee grinders are definitely not out of place when it comes to decimating your leaves into the right proportion, as long as you do it rightly.

How Do You Grind Herbs For Tea Using A Coffee Grinder?

If you have a coffee grinder at home and you wish to enjoy the rasping taste of tea, here are some simple steps to follow if you want the best result from the process – all you need are the dries leaves, or herbs which can include your barks, seeds, and roots based on the recipe you are following.

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Step 1: Plug Your Coffee Grinder Into A Power Source

If you own an electric coffee grinder, the first thing you should do is to plug your coffee grinder into a power source, but ensure it is neat before doing so – a clean coffee grinder is a healthy coffee grinder.

Step 2: Set The Coffee Grinder Based On The Recipe Granular Size

Depending on the tea recipe you are following, set your coffee grinder to the specified size outlined in the recipe to see the best result. If the size specified in your recipe does not match the setting on the coffee grinder, then use the closest size available – it should get the job done.

Step 3: Place The Leaves/Herbs In The Coffee Grinder

As soon as you set the coffee grinder to the specified granular size, put the leaves and other tea ingredients as specified by your recipe into the coffee grinder, and ensure they are evenly distributed in the chamber by using the required apparatus or simply shaking the coffee grinder with your hand.

Step 4: Press The Grind Button

After your tea ingredients or leaves are properly fitted in the coffee grinder, press and hold the grind button for 30 seconds, but ensure you release the hold of the button at every 10-15 seconds interval to prevent the leaves from overheating.

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Continue the process until you achieve the desired blend – then stop. If you still want, you can pour out the coffee ground leaves into a mortar and use the pestle to achieve the result the exact result you want.

You can still use this procedure if you want to use a kitchen blender for the job – it doesn’t change anything at all.

How Do You Grind Tea Without A Grinder?

Without a grinder, you can always get the best from your tea leaves. Here are some of the few ways you can grind your tea leaves to your desired taste. (Read Also: Can I Grind Spices Without A Grinder? Let’s Find Out)

Mortar And Pestle

Without a blender, a mortar and pestle (Such as M.V. Trading MTP92 Stone (Granite) Mortar and Pestle) will definitely do a good job. Simply place the quantity of the leaves required for consumption in the mortar. Some mortar has a very small build, so you might want to repeat the process about two times to get the best result.

Grind the leaves in the mortar by twisting the pestle as it makes contact with the leaves in the mortar – you can also pound from time to time for quicker results. Mortars have a coarse inner bowl surface, which helps speed up and ease the process by ensuring enough friction.

Once you are done, use a spoon to scoop out the grounded leaves from within the mortar, place them in a sift, and then filter through to get the finer particles.

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Except you want to make tea from herbs that aren’t leaf – I wouldn’t advise you to use a Microplane grater. However, if your tea ingredients have a very solid and rigid structure, hold your Microplane grater standing over a little plate – the grater base ought to be in the plate, with the hand holding it and pressing it down to prevent it from moving.

Run the entire ingredient down the length of the teeth on the grinding side of the Microplane grater. Do this gradually, so that you don’t coincidentally run your fingertips along with the teeth of the grater (this is why a grater is quite a bad idea for a tea recipe whose major ingredient is leaves). Keep up with the process until the herbs remaining are little enough to hurt your fingers with on the grater.

Sack And Rock

While this might look out of place, using a sack and a rock of reasonable size can also be very effective. Simple get your tea leaves and place them into a sack of reasonable size.

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Tie the open end of the sack to prevent the leaves from spilling out while pounding. Once the opening is secured, use your rock to gentle hit the surface of the sack whilst making meaningful contact with the leaves within – this can be likened to the working mechanism of a mortar and pestle.

Aside from outright pounding, you can also employ the twist motion used while using a mortar for a better result.

Continue hitting the sack with the rock for about 3-5 minutes until you get the required result. Turn the other side of the sack to ensure smooth grinding. Loose the end of the sack, then pour out the grounded tea leaves in a tea strainer – sift the grounded tea leaves to separate the fine particles.

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Can You Grind Tea Leaves Into Powder?

Yes, you can grind tea leaves into powder, but there are some things you should note when it comes to grinding your tea into fine powder form.

Commercial producers of tea will more often than not grind tea leaves into a fine mixture to maximize the flavour of the leaves, and also increase the steep speed of the tea in question.

But some tea experts don’t seem to agree with the powder tea formula. They believe that good tea simply requires more tea leaves. These experts also believe that straining for long, regardless of the granular size, isn’t a very good idea.

Tea experts also believe that when tea leaves are ground to powder form, the powder tends to pass through the mesh – except you use a thicker mesh for this procedure. Although, tea companies tackle this flaw by making their teabags with thin filter papers.

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If you intend to make a homemade powdered tea, you should place silk on your tea strainer and pour your tea through it – this will help combat the powder from getting into your teacup. You could also decide to use tea socks which can be likened to a tube with only one open end – simply put your tea powder into the socks, then steep your tea the same way you do a teabag.

Can You Ground Green Tea To Make Matcha?

Matcha is a Japanese green tea that holds a good amount of caffeine and is also known to calm the nerves.  Unlike your regular tea, you don’t need to steep the Matcha to obtain all its enriching flavours.

Matcha can be made from green tea, but there are certain ingredients you have to use in complementing the process to obtain a better result.

Are you a fan of Japanese green tea, or do you wish to have a first-time trial? Then, follow the simple recipe below to obtain the best result possible.

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How To Make Matcha Powder From Green Leaves

The following are the ingredients needed in making this groundbreaking tea.

  • Handmade bamboo whisk, equally known as a Click here for more info.
  • Green tea powder, or a Matcha powder. Click here for more info.
  • Tea strainer. Click here for more info.
  • A measuring ladle, also known as chashaku. Click here for more info.

Step 1: Know The Quantity You Are Brewing

The brewing recipe comes with measurement, so you must note the required quantity you need to get the best result. Don’t just dabble into the brewing process without knowing the amount you need.

To brew a cup of Matcha tea, put about 2 grams or 1 ½ teaspoon of matcher powder into your strainer. If you intend to make more quantity – let’s say 6 cups – simply multiply 6 by the corresponding number of the teaspoon to get the desired result.

Step 2: Sift Your Matcha Powder Into The Tea Bowl

To avoid any sort of lumps or clumps when having your tea, sift your Matcha powder into a tea bowl using a strainer whilst swirling the powder with your ladle. Using the ladle will ensure the Matcha powder is quickly filtered through the strainer. Once you conclude the sifting process, you should have a very smooth residue.

You can dispose of the chafe if you please, or you could keep them in a container pending when you have enough to make a simple green tea by inserting the chafe in a sock, then steeping it in hot water.

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Step 3: Boil Water

After having you fine powdered Matcha in a bowl, boil water and pour it in a teacup that shouldn’t measure more than 2-ounce, then allow the water to cool for about a minute or 45-seconds at the least. After cooling, pour the water in the teacup into the bowl containing the Matcha powder.       

Step 4: Use Your Chasen To Whisk The Mixture

Once the hot water comes in contact with the Matcha powder, use your chasen to whisk your tea – this will enable a proper blend between the tea and the hot water – to achieve this – your wrist should be relaxed, then maintain a circular movement.

To achieve a foamy tea – which is quite different from a smooth tea due to the slight difference in scent and flavours – use your chasen to whisk in a zigzag manner.

Depending on your tea preference – foamy or smooth – the whisking process should be in the timeframe of 10-15 seconds. You should have a bright green Matcha mixture after a while.

Step 5: Pour Into A Teacup

On obtaining the bright green Matcha tea, pour the mixture and ensure you drink it immediately to get the desired result. The powdered mixture should settle at the base of the teacup.

Making A Thick Matcha

If you intend to make a thick Matcha, put 3-spoonful of your graded Matcha powder in your strainer, then sift into a bowl – the same way the liquid Matcha was carried out.

Pour out boiling water into a teacup of about two ounces, then using your eye gauge, pour about half of the water in the teacup, into the powdered mixture.

Carefully use your chasen to whisk the mixture of water and Matcha powder. Endeavour to carefully introduce the water into the powdered mixture to prevent lumps from forming. You should have thick Matcha afterwords.

Is It Safe To Drink Matcha Every Day?

yes, it is. Ideally, the amount of caffeine required for adult consumption in a day is about 400mg (milligram) – this figure equals about 6 cups of Matcha per day which makes Matcha very safe to consume. I really don’t see anyone taking more than three cups of Matcha a day, so this makes it probably the safest caffeinated tea in existence.

Can You Grind Tea Leaves In A Coffee Grinder – Final Words

The health benefits of tea are numerous, and it’s no surprise to see its fame spread from generation to generation. However, you should note that you having the “perfect cup of tea” has very little to do with the technique, but the quality of the tea itself, and that’s why it is essential to get it right when making your own tea.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or observations, kindly drop them in the comment section, and I will be of help.